Advantages and Benefits of Banana Fruit

Advantages and benefits of banana fruit

Advantages and benefits of banana fruit  - It can be written that the banana is the most easily found fruit in all places, including Indonesia. Not only avocados, banana fruits are also easily found in traditional markets or fruit stalls on the sidelines. Although the price is quite cheap, many of the benefits of banana fruit especially help maintain body health and maintain the beauty of the skin. Bananas contain a myriad of nutrients that can be higher than our former shade. In one banana fruit contains a lot of fiber, zinc, vitamins A, B, C and vitamin E and iron, which greatly help maintain the viability of the body.

As an energy source 
Glucose, sucrose and fructose are natural sugar substances contained in bananas. Natural sugar substances are quickly absorbed and converted into energy. By itself, our energy needs remain satisfied with the consumption of bananas. We can see at the break most of the athletes who eat banana fruits. The goal is nothing more than the restoration of energy that has been drained.

Relieves stomach injury 
Bananas contain a soothing anti-acid substance. Thus, banana fruits are very effective for relieving the stomach, which causes stings due to excessive acid in the stomach. As a rule, because of the excess acid content in the stomach, there is an oval wound (often called ulcers). These stomach ulcers or irritations can be prevented by regularly taking bananas.

Maintaining the health of the nervous system In addition to maintaining the health of the stomach and other digestive organs, the benefits of banana fruit can also reduce the risk of stroke. This is due to the fact that bananas are rich in potassium (potassium), which is able to maintain the health of the nervous system of the brain. A number of studies show that there are regular bananas, then there is the possibility of 40% of a person protected from a stroke.

As Mood Booster At certain moments, our moods can be disturbed and chaotic. This condition can sometimes lead to depression until the illness can not sleep (insomnia). In this case, Banana Fruit can act as a mood enhancer. Bananas contain a large amount of vitamin B6 (trifluopan), in which this vitamin plays a central role in the productivity of serotonin. The hormone serotin itself has the ability to stabilize the mood and calm the brain so that we avoid bad mood.

Management of heart function One of the other benefits of banana fruit is the control of heart function. As mentioned earlier, bananas contain a large amount of vitamins, including potassium. Potassium itself plays an important role to maintain electricity and fluid balance in the blood. In other words, potassium will be absorbed and follow the flow of blood, so that balance, as well as a balance of fluid in the blood can maintain heart health and function normally. If we lack potassium in the body, then the heart rhythm becomes irregular. This is very dangerous, because it can cause heart failure and even heart attacks


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